Hierarchical Storage Management

Using the IDS/SAM Distributed Data Storage System


The Integrated Data Server(TM) (IDS 1000) and Storage and Archive Manager File System (TM) (SAM-FS) provide complete control over data storage costs and vulnerability. IDS/SAM is designed to provide the ability to manage storage in a cost- effective manner without sacrificing data integrity. The hierarchical storage capabilities of IDS/SAM allow media resources to be extended as needed. Short-term and often- referenced data can be stored on-line on disk, moderate-term data can be cost-effectively stored to tape, and long-term data can be stored either on tape or optical disk.

The Differences Between Archiving and Backing Up

Once a file has been archived, its alternate copies exist for the life of the file and need not be stored on any other medium including on-line storage. The data of an archived file is, in general, immediately available through the archive mechanism of SAM- FS. This is because off-line archive storage is considered an addressable extension of the primary on-line disk storage.

Conversely, backup systems only make a snapshot of the current state of the file system. Recovery of a file (usually due to loss) involves an extraction process which copies the file from the backup media to on-line storage. Backup procedures are still required for an archive system, however, rather than copying data (the data space), only the structure of the file system (the name space) need be copied in the traditional manner.

Raid's Role in Storage Management

Today's disk array technology (RAID) offers reliable and voluminous storage capability. Inherent reliability of this technology is due to the general immunity of data loss from the failure of any one component within the disk array. However, RAID does not offer the storage variety, and thus the cost control flexibility that HSM offers. And RAID offers little protection against disasters. Even with RAID, alternate storage either in the form of backups or archives is required.

With the IDS/SAM system, the administrator (and optionally the end user) is given complete control over the storage of data, yet remains completely removed from the details of where the data is physically stored.

Automated Storage Management

IDS/SAM is designed to be completely automatic if desired. File migration and on-line storage monitoring activities can be performed automatically, using the storage monitor program. These management services are actually comprised of two entities; the necessary support functions within SAM-FS, and the provided storage monitor which orchestrates the operation. The storage monitor is started at boot time and performs the following basic tasks:


The selection criteria for the above operations are configurable via the extended attributes of SAM-FS. These attributes are read at the time the storage monitor is initialized. Both high and low thresholds are used to control the availability of on-line storage. Once storage usage is above the high water mark (e.g. 60%), the storage monitor will attempt to reduce on-line storage to below the low water mark (e.g. 40%). Initial disk thresholds are specified in the master configuration file and are changeable at anytime through the operator display utility (idsou).

Recall timer

The storage monitor is designed to perform the above tasks at given intervals. A recall time determines the elapsed time between the times when the storage monitor is actively processing files. During each recall interval, the storage monitor will check the on- line storage usage to determine if disk space must be freed. The storage monitor first attempts to free disk space by releasing the disk space of archived files that are on-line. If usage has not fallen below the low water mark, the storage monitor will begin to archive files so their space can be released as well. Upon completion of this phase, two additional timers are checked to determine if periodic archive or reaper operations need to be performed. Periodic archiving does not release disk space after archiving data, while the reaper deletes files with expired life spans.

In an environment with robotically-controlled media, the IDS can truly manage both the on-line and the near-line storage in a "lights out" autonomous manner.

File Attributes

To implement many of the enhanced features of the system, SAM-FS files have a considerable number of additional attributes that can be associated with the file. Figure 1 summarizes the file attributes available under SAM-FS. Each of these attributes exists as part of the file's inode and are used either by the file system or by the various resource management programs (e.g. the storage monitor). These attributes are described in more detail in their appropriate sections. UNIX attributes File size Length of the file. Group Group the file is identified with. User Owner of the file. Access mode Controls read, write and execution access. SAM-FS attributes: Life span Life span of the file. Cycles Controls the creation of a cycle with each new version of the file. Cycle life span Life span of cycles for the file. Cycle limit Maximum number of cycles permitted. Shadow Controls shadow writing for the file. Direct access Controls archive access. Nodrop Controls the releasing of on-line disk storage assigned to the file by disk space monitor. Media Residency Controls the media formats used for archiving the file.

Life spans

The user is given complete control over the storage of data. The user can specify the life span of the file, and can determine how many archive copies of the file must exist and on what media type it must reside. These parameters provide input on a file basis to the storage monitor which is responsible for managing on-line and archive storage.

The life span determines the time-period of existence for a file within the IDS. Once a file's life span has expired, the file and any data associated with the file can be destroyed. For on-line storage this means removal of the file's control structures (inodes) and any data blocks assigned. For off-line storage, the storage becomes inactive and thus will eventually be recycled. The life span of any cycle associated with the file can be independently controlled, because it is possible that the retention requirements of a file's cycle would be different than the primary copy. Life spans give the user complete control over the retention requirements of the data, rather than simply using access time as the determining factor for deciding whether a file should be deleted or retained. Most archiving systems assume that if the data has not been accessed over some period of time, the data is no longer needed and can be removed. An illustrative example of the reverse is the storage of engineering documentation of aircraft or the retention requirements of financial records. The accessibility requirements of the engineering data is the life of the aircraft, say 50 years. The financial records may only be needed for one year. In each case the data may not be accessed, but the requirement to retain the information is obvious.

Archive Copies

To control vulnerability, the user is allowed to specify up to four archive copies of the data. For critical long-term data, the user may require that two copies of the data exist on optical disk. This flexibility allows the user to evaluate storage costs verses the value of the data. Tape may be a less expensive medium, but the reliable storage life of tape is considerably shorter than the more expensive optical disk medium.

Direct Access and Staging

To facilitate the efficient use of on-line storage and provide quick access to near-line data, a file can be designated as "direct access." Direct access to a file while near-line allows it to be read without requiring that it be first staged on-line. This allows large databases to be efficiently accessed while near-line. Obviously, this only works for files that are being read. If the file is opened for read-write access, the file will be staged on-line before it can be read. Consider the situation of a database archived to optical disk. The retrieval of a single record could be accomplished in much less time if the record could be read directly from archive storage without first staging the database to disk. For optical disk this can be accomplished at near magnetic disk speeds. Once the media has been mounted (5-10 seconds for a jukebox) and the disk read (1-2 seconds for label processing by the device scanner, etc.) the archive file can be randomly positioned and the data read directly.


For applications which need to access large portions of the data, the file can be pre-staged to disk. Although not a requirement on the part of the user, pre-staging may provide improved usage of device resources by allowing stage requests for files resident on the same archive media to be batched together.


A SAM-FS file can have up to 65,535 cycles, each representing, in succession, some previous image of the file's data content. Each time a file is opened for write access (does not include read- write access) a new file is created, and the old file becomes the most recent cycle of the file. A user-selectable limit is imposed, limiting the number of cycles a given file can have. Once this limit is exceeded the oldest cycle is deleted. Cycles are referenced and can be read using the UNIX percent syntax.

Cycles can be deleted using the rm command. For example, rm abc%5. When a cycle is deleted all older cycles are also deleted. Likewise, cycles can be renamed to files much like normal files can be renamed using the mv command (e.g. mv abc%4 abc4). When a cycle is renamed, as in this example abc4 is created, all cycles older than abc%4 now become the cycles of the newly- created file abc4. To facilitate easy removal of unwanted cycles, a purge command is provided which deletes the cycles of the supplied list of files that are older than a certain level.

Media Management

Storage format

All archive files are written in tar format. The tar format was selected because of its general portability among UNIX as well as other systems. Any format can be used. All that is required is that the file's data be sequentially written and the offset to the beginning of the data be known. For example, a direct archive file can simply be copied to the media using cp. The data is, of course, sequentially written and the file offset would be zero.


When a file is archived by the storage monitor, it is either written directly to the archive media, or grouped with other files before it is written. The cross-over point is determined by the file's size and is one of the supplied parameters. This allows large files to be archived as stand-alone entities that are not only restorable through the retrieval mechanisms of SAM-FS, but also easily read and processed on other systems as well. To expedite the archive process, files which require more than one archive image are copied in parallel during archiving.

Device Scanner and Robotics Manager

The device scanner is an essential component for effective management of removable media. All peripheral devices are monitored by the scanner as is the media request queue. When the scanner observes the presence of requested media on a particular device (depending upon access restrictions that are currently imposed) the device scanner will connect the device with the open file that is requesting the media. At this point the job requesting the data is awakened and processing continues. The device remains assigned until the file is closed. If in a multi-file media volume, SAM-FS will properly position the media to the correct file.

Robotic devices are considered to be family set devices and the drives contained within the jukebox are its members. The robotics manager monitors the request queue, and schedules the automatic mounting of requested media including the issuing of robotic motion-control instructions to the device. Of course, once the media is present on one of the member drives, the device scanner detects it and completes the connection between user and device. Upon completion, the device unloads the media and re- files it in either the jukebox or the media magazine.


A principal design objective for the Storage and Archive Manager File System(TM) is to provide a suitable framework for the cost- effective control and safeguarding of distributed data.

The support services and features built in to SAM-FS make it ideal for protecting either short- or long-term data.

SAM-FS is available now

For more information on how SAM-FS and the Integrated Data Server (IDS) can meet your network data storage needs, contact LSC at (612) 482-4535. Or e-mail for additional Tech Notes to
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Integrated Data Server (IDS), Storage and Archiving Manager (SAM-FS) and Fast File Recovery System are trademarks of LSC, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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